一家製作各種起司的小小製作工坊,各種菜色凸顯各種起司的特色,蠻好吃,推薦馬背溫沙拉,慢慢弄乳花。A Cheese Making Workshop,Dishes Present All Kinds of Cheese Flavour. Recommend Caciocavallo with Grilled Begetables and Fresh Curd with Black Tea Syrup.
Cheese making workshop makes many kind of cheeses for famous restaurants and luxury hotels.
They have menu for their cheeses, you can taste many different cheeses from their appetizer, side dishes, main course, and dessert.
It’s a good experience for this meal with many cheese flavour.
馬背起司溫沙拉/Caciocavallo with Grilled Vegetables 4/5 300元 馬背起司烤過,超好吃超香,最愛的一道。Caciocavallo with fire is so good and tasty. I like this most.
莫札瑞拉捲皮壽司/Mozzarella Cheese Roll 3/5 280元 覺得還好
木瓜布拉塔佐香料油/Burrata con Papaya with Herbal Infused Oil 3/5 300元 還不錯
布拉塔佐蕃茄芝麻葉/Burrata con Tomato with Sesame leaves 3/5 300元 在外面很平常可以吃到的沙拉。Normal Salad, that can eat in other restaurant.
西西里燉茄子小點/Caponata with Ricotta 2/5 250元 下面是麵包,沒有很愛。Bread at the bottom, don’t like this.
焗烤千層茄子/Aubergin Parmigiana 2/5 280元 沒有很愛這道
奶油菇菇瑞可塔麵疙𤺥/Gnocchi of Ricotta with Mushroom and Ricotta Salata 4/5 360元 不錯,起司味濃郁
香料肉腸青花筍炒貓耳麵/Orecchiette with Baby Broccoli and Sausage 4/5 360元 這道也好吃,肉腸配起司,絕搭
紅酒燉牛舌佐薯泥與烤時蔬/Beef Tongue Stew with Mashed Potato and Grilled Begetables 4/5 480元 今天唯一沒起司的菜,但是他的牛舌燉得很好,點了二份。The only dishes without cheese. Beef tongue is soft and tasty.
義式現流魚/Fresh Fish with Italian Style 4/5 480元 鯖魚,裡面大約五分熟,不得不說,處理得很好,不會腥,很好吃。Median cooked mackerel, not fishy, soft, taste good.
鴨胸佐玉米醬 duck breast with Maize Puree and Grilled Vegetables 3/5 580元 台灣吃不到像法國一樣好吃的鴨胸,他們算不錯,免強及格了。There is no good duck breast in Taiwan, but I can accept this one.
布拉塔水果盤/Burrata with Seasonal Fruits 3/5 310元 這算甜點,加了蜂蜜,我愛。This is dessert with honey, I love it.
慢慢弄乳花/Fresh Curd with Black Tea Syrup 5/5 60元 我很愛這道,有點像布丁,又有點豆花,但是有起司味。I love this dessert, like pudding, tofu pudding, and a little cheesy.
煙燻起司冰淇淋/Smoked Ricotta Gelato 1/5 150元 這道太怪了,超強的煙燻味,不像甜點了。I don’t like this. Too smokey, is not like dessert.
阿芙佳朵冰淇淋咖啡/caffee Affogato with Smoked Ricotta Gelato 3/5 180元 加了咖啡的煙燻冰淇淋有比較ok. Smoked Ricotta Gelato is better with coffee.
提供給台灣各大知名餐廳飯店。Famous restaurant and hotels use their cheese.
放在熟成櫃,不知什麼起司。In Aged box, don’t know what cheese is it.