台北大安 2田 TK SEAFOOD & STEAK 沒失誤過的牛排店 Never miss steakhouse

驢子的姐妹餐廳,來多次,牛排依舊很推,沒失誤過,比起之前有一點點小失望,但是依舊滿意,平均3.66/5分。Other restaurant of L’Idoit Restaurant. Come here many time, I am satisfied with steak every time. Average score 3.66.




Google map 評分4.3 覺得差不多,評分低的大多是訂位有問題,可能因為位子少不好橋吧

Come here many times. Area is not large. Space between tables are small before, this time is much better.

I disappointed in bread this time. Bread before surprised me especially spread. I always asked twice before.

Entry, steak, dessert are also good as before.

4.3 score on google map review is fair for me. 1 point reviews are almost reservation problem. Maybe due to less seats.

台北市大安區大安路一段No. 56號
人均: 2500
0903 393 008