來過多次,牛排沒有讓我失望過,各道菜都有水準,均分3.66. Many Times Here, Steak is Good in Taiwan, never miss, side dishes is as well, average score 3.66.
google map上有4.5分,個人是覺得有4分以上,但是4.5就有點過高了
Steak here never disappoint me here.
environment is so so because of an old hotel.
review 4.5 on google map is little high for me. It is worthy above 4, but not 4.5.
人均: 900
0903 393 098
驢子特製香料厚切美國肋眼牛排20oz/Top Cap Steak 4/5 真的好吃,口感,香味,熟度都好。This is really good, cook, taste.
驢子特製香料厚切美國肋眼牛排20oz/Top Cap Steak 4/5 真的好吃,口感,香味,熟度都好。This is really good, cook, taste.
炙烤澎湖軟絲與椰香海鮮醬/BBQ Neritic Squid with coconut seafood sauce 4/5 烤得很夠味.
海驢魚/sea bass 4/5 這是另外單點的,好吃,層次豐富. Tasty, rich and gradient.
義式茄汁手工豬肉丸雞冠麵/Italian homemade tomato pork and chicken ball 4/5 本來以為沒什麼,一吃下去醬好吃,丸子內還另有小天地!!!! Tasty, something magic in ball
義式茄汁手工豬肉丸雞冠麵/Italian homemade tomato pork and chicken ball 4/5 本來以為沒什麼,一吃下去醬好吃,丸子內還另有小天地!!!! Tasty, something magic in ball
例湯/Soup 3/5 南瓜湯好喝. taste good
生菜沙拉/Caeser Salad 3/5 覺得好吃,still good, especially chopped bread.
麵包/Bread 4/5 覺得好吃,尤其烤成這樣,配上不油膩的油奶, roast bread is good, especially with butter spread, not oil
鮮奶油波士頓派/Boston Cream Pie 4/5 覺得好吃
鮮奶油波士頓派/Boston Cream Pie 4/5 覺得好吃
提拉米蘇/Tiramisu 3/5 另外單點
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